5th International Conference “Unesco historic cities, heritage of Peace”
“The happiness of foreigners
cannot be divided from the dignity of citizens“
A.D. 1309 – Costituto Senese
The 6 Rotary Clubs of area Toscana 2:
Siena, Chianciano/Chiusi/Montepulciano, Valdelsa, Siena Est, Alta Valdelsa e Siena Montaperti, will organize the 5th International Conference “UNESCO historic cities, heritage of Peace”, open to All the Rotary Clubs of Unesco historic cities and sites worldwide, which will take place between Siena, San Gimignano and Pienza on April 14, 15 e 16, 2023.
The focus of the International Conference will be the relationship between tourism and the world heritage city, which is perfectly summarized
in the Sienese Constitution of 1309 with the sentence:
“The happiness of foreigners cannot be divided from the dignity of citizens“
Download the detailed presentation of the event in PDF format

About the project
The origins of our International Conference date back to 2012-2013 Rotarian year, as a result of synergy between Clubs across Europe.
Members of the Rotary Club Urbino, organized in their town the 1st Conference “UNESCO historic cities, heritage of peace”, inspired by the “Convention on the protection of the world’s cultural and natural heritage “, signed by the Member States of UNESCO.
At the end of the meeting, the delegations approved unanimously the “Urbino Declaration”, which commits the Rotary Clubs of UNESCO historical cities “to be of concrete help, above personal interests, so that urban historical landscapes would be perpetuated with the today sounds, colors and projects, to be an enjoyable reality for every woman and man in a future of peace.”
In April 2015, the 2nd Rotarian Conference was held in Istanbul on the theme “UNESCO historic cities, heritage of Peace “, to strengthen the Rotarian commitment to constantly act for the conservation and the right development of historical centers and sites.
In 2017 Florence welcomed the 3rd edition of the Conference, with the theme “Which lighting for the historical cities “. It was an opportunity to promote, with testimonials and proposals, a reflection and a comparison for a correct use of artificial light, in relation to the characteristics of the historical centers and monuments, also after the progressive introduction of LED technologies.
In 2019, “Synergies in architecture” was the theme of the 4th edition of the Conference, hosted in Zamość (Poland). An opportunity for discussion on the topic of design in historical cities, between conservation and contemporaneity, with the participation of architecture students from several European universities. They met and worked together in workshops and seminars to study and design the restoration of an area of the city of Zamość.
The focus of the 5th International Conference will be the relationship between tourism and the world heritage city, which is perfectly summarized in the Sienese Constitution of 1309 with the sentence:
“The happiness of foreigners cannot be divided from the dignity of citizens“